#SoulHeartedLiving ~ A call to come home to your heart!

I hope 2019 has started off rocking amazing for you!  One of the things I have found to be most helpful on my journey ARE TOOLS!  My dear friend Dr. Debra Reble has graced us with her brilliance once again!!!  Mantra's and affirmations are so powerful ~ I use them all the time! That is why I am SO thrilled to be apart of this amazing project and beautiful book!  The cover is FABULOUS!!!

As women, we can all use a daily touchstone to help us stay connected to our heart wisdom, remind us of our truth, and align us with our Divine purpose.

The new book, Soul-Hearted Living: A Year of Sacred Reflections & Affirmations for Womenby Inspired Living Publishing, offers you that touchstone.

What an honor it is to have contributed some of my original inspirational quotes to this beautiful project.

This uplifting 365-day book of sacred reflections from Intuitive and Spiritual Psychologist Dr. Debra Reble—the award-winning, International Best-Selling Author of Being Love and Soul-Hearted Partnership—invites you to pause, reflect, and rejoice. 

You'll get centered and grounded through each day’s lesson before meditating on an uplifting positive affirmation. Along with this daily wisdom from Dr. Debra, you’ll also tap into the feminine wisdom of original inspirational quotes from women in her sacred community, including some of today’s leading luminaries.

Soul-Hearted Living invites you to embrace your courageous heart, tap into the wisdom of your soul, and see the beauty in all aspects of life so you can love yourself and others through it all—one day at a time.

Soul-Hearted Living includes access to gifts on topics including:


Conscious Business




Feng Shui

Living Your Purpose


Conscious Creation

Goddess Living

Clearing Fear & Anxiety

Cultivating Peace and Joy

Sacred Wealth

And so much more.

The perfect gift for the women in your life. 


Juice ~ xo

P.S. I just ordered my copy of #SoulHeartedLiving & received access to dozens of transformational personal development gifts.  www.SoulHeartedLivingBook.com 

A dream come true! My story is in SHINE!

Pinch me! 

Today is a big day for me and your support would mean the world to me!

Today’s the official release ofSHINE! Stories to Inspire You to Dream Big, Fear Less & Blaze Your Own Trail”, published by Inspired Living Publishing! 

I’m so excited to be a contributing author in this soul-nurturing project along with twenty-three other women.   

I’m jumping up and down to share that New York Times bestselling author, world-renowned speaker & retreat leader KRISTINE CARLSON wrote the foreword.

“The stories shared in SHINE! show courage and whisper hope, and they also show that the price we pay for staying in the shadows is too great. Your soul came here to shine; do not settle for less than your heart’s true desire.” ~ Kristine Carlson 

I share one of the most intimate, and vulnerable. moments of my life in my story, “Finding My True North”to inspire all women to embrace the truth of who they are

All of the inspiring stories in SHINE! are from women, like myself, who have chosen to shine in their lives―to be their own North Stars, to be their own guiding lights.

We share the moments when we decided to take off our masks and stop playing small in our lives, relationships, missions, health, and work. 

 These moments―whether big or small, momentous or quiet―triggered a landslide of change that brought down the walls behind that we had each been hiding. 

 Our collective vision is that our stories will inspire YOU to dream big, fear less and blaze your own trail. 

You’ll tap into the wisdom found in seven chapters including

** Own Your Gifts: Sometimes, you don’t even know how amazing your innate gifts are until life forces you to use them! 

** Sing Your Own Song: There are many ways to use your voice, but few are more vulnerable than singing! 

** Go Your Own Way: Sometimes, in order to be your greatest self, you need to make choices that others don’t understand and to stand in your truth despite what is happening around you. 

** Trust Your Inner Knowing: When you listen to the whispers of your heart you blaze your own trail to joy, success and fulfillment.

** Claim the Spotlight:  Shining brightly in your life often means letting go of old beliefs and taking the stage in a bigger way than ever before. 

** Embrace Your Empowerment:  Despite what you’ve been through, you can claim your inner sovereignty and stand tall in your truth. 

** Believe in Miracles:  When you trust that you are cared for and protected, you can show up in a way that’s bigger than your fear.

Every woman’s sacred story is followed by three Reflection Questions to guide you deeper into your own truth.


“SHINE!needs to be a “must read” for ALL women.” ~ DONA RUTOWICZ, LCSW & Expert Relationship Coach

 “When you live under a cloud from past experiences, it dims the beauty that is available to you every day. To become your beautiful self, and truly shine the way you are meant to, means letting go and leaving behind what no longer supports you. These powerful women who share their stories in SHINE! exemplify the courage it takes to truly transform.” ~ MAL DUANE,Midlife Transformation Coach

 “An empowering collective of stories of courage and transformation!” ~ KIM TURCOTTE, Women’s Empowerment Expert and Founder of The Goddess School

 “By telling their stories, these stellar women inspire us to dream big and step forward to do so for ourselves.  LAURA CLARK, Soul Coaching® Master Practitioner & Trainer

  Each of us is a supernova in disguise, a brilliant light that can illuminate the world. Let the powerful stories in SHINE! show you how you, too, can let your light shine as a beacon in your own life, and the lives of others. 

 Thank you for your support today! 


Juice - xo

P.S   SHINE! is the perfect inspirational gift for the women in your life.  

Are You Living Your Most Abundant Life?

Are you at a point in your life where you feel like there just isn’t enough money?

Where you feel so little energy or just feeling unwell physically?

Where you so badly want to find happiness but it seems like it’s just outside your reach?

It’s not a great place to be. Others around you, especially in the online space, seem like they have it all together. You may feel like you’re barely surviving, let alone living the life of your dreams.

What if there was a way for you to get some guidance and hear stories of people who have been where you are at some point in THEIR lives---and they have created the abundant life they’ve always wanted---so you can start creating the life YOU’VE always wanted?

And what if this guidance was FREE of charge?

If you’ve ever thought: “There’s got to be a way for me to have more money...more wellness...more happiness…(or perhaps all three)”: 

Here’s a great resource to discover how to get more of what you want into your life.

Just sign up for the FREE video series called “Abundance Masters: 15 Different Perspectives on How to Live Your Most Abundant Life.”


My friend Genevieve Kohn, who is an Abundance Creation Guide, will be interviewing some amazing people (including yours truly) who were each at a low point in their lives. They each discovered how to create their own abundance and are now living the lives of their dreams!

Each video interview will be about 30 minutes long. Each amazing guest has a great story of transformation and abundance!

None of these guests had the lives of their dreams just handed to them. They have CREATED their ideal lives. If they’ve been able to do it, so can you. Take advantage of this FREE video series! It starts Wednesday, August 8th!

Learn how YOU can get more of what you want in YOUR OWN life here


Juice - xo



Do You Have Interior Clutter?

We often talk about the clutter in our homes and how it takes up space energetically.  BUT have you thought of the clutter you may be holding onto internally?

When we experience emotions good or bad, and we hold on to that energy it can create discomfort within the body.  

This can show up as physical discomfort, anxiety, depression, stress, and unwanted feelings or states of being.  

Do you ever feel your throat getting tense when you get upset?  Tears that want to flow but instead you hold them in?

That is exactly what I am talking about!  We can’t hold onto that energy or we will end up full of “clutter” preventing us from experiencing the joyful lives we are meant to live!

When we learn to channel our emotions and turn that energy into a different form, we can allow it to move through us and let it pass.

“Energy is neither created or destroyed, only transformed”.

Out of all the major organs and functions that the body can perform without us even thinking about it, the breath is something we can control.  We can manipulate it to excite us, or to calm us down. 

In sanskrit, “Prana” means breath, it is our life force energy.  When a baby comes into the world, the first thing that happens is they gasp for breath, and when we leave this physical world, we do so by exhaling our final breath. 

The ancients believed that the more control we had over our breath through meditation and yoga practices, the easier it was to remain present in the moment and channel through those emotions so we could be free from discomfort, and experience a happier state of being.

Have you ever comforted your child, a friend, or a loved one when they were upset or experiencing a panic state?  Do you often find yourself saying just take some deep breaths, calm down, just breathe?  

I think we all have at some point.  That is exactly where you can start to begin to use your breath in your own situations.  By simply just breathing and exhaling we can begin to calm ourselves and our thoughts so we can enter a state of response to the threat or emotion versus reacting to it. 

Now, this does take practice, but it is extremely effective!  

“When the Breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the Breath is still, so is the mind still.” - Hatha Yoga Pradipika

Now what about the thoughts that create clutter in our minds?  

What is that voice in your head saying to you?  Do you believe that voice?  Or do you recognize it isn’t you and if you take a step back and simply observe what it is saying perhaps you will recognize it is saying things that aren’t so positive and loving all the time.  

Each day we have an average of 50,000 - 80,000 thoughts, and we are consciously only aware of about 1% of those thoughts.  Our thoughts have the power to create our reality and re-wire our brains!  It is actually pretty amazing!

So this practice of mindfulness and how we choose to speak to ourselves becomes so important to designing a life you love!  

Mantra comes from the sanskrit language, it is made up of two words “manas” meaning mind, and “trai” an instrument or tool (for your mind).  We can use mantras as tools to help with the clutter in our minds in a meaningful or meaningless way.  

The ancients also believed that we could use mantras to connect with the invisible vibrational sounds of the universe.  Repeating sounds creates a physical vibration. 

Regardless of what type of mantra we are using, we need to be clear on our intention so we can choose the mantra that is best for the situation.

Perhaps you are a runner so a mantra such as “I have strong legs and can run like the wind” can be useful when you come to a steep incline and begin to feel discouraged.  

Maybe each day you wake up you look at yourself in the mirror, right in your own eyes and say “I am beautiful, I am loved, I am amazing”. 

Or perhaps we want to connect to the vibrational sound of the heart, which allows us to receive and give love unconditionally.  We can chant the sound "YAM" or "YUM", to open up our heart centre and become more connected to giving and receiving.  

Maybe, we just long to sit in stillness and quiet our thoughts, we can use a meaningless mantra such as "SO-HUM" to create a point of awareness, but it has no meaning at all. 

With any mantra or affirmation, know that your mind will wander, it is normal to do so, and when this happens and you become aware of it, simply bring your awareness back to the repetition of the mantra. 

Be gentle, and be kind to yourself, as the ultimate goal is to remove the internal clutter that is holding us back from living a life we truly desire. 

Using these tools is one action step we can take to move our energy and bring us back to being in the present moment.  

If you are new to meditation and mindfulness practices I invite you to download my FREE 10 Minute Mini Vacay Meditation as my gift you! 


Live Juicy!


That Time I Was Interviewed for “Primed for Possibilities”

I’ve got some exciting news to share with you!

Not long ago, I connected with Felicia Baucom, who is one of the most dynamic authors and coaches in personal development today. 

We started talking about how people tend to get “stuck” in their lives…

and how, even though everything seems great on the outside, they feel like they’re falling apart on the inside.

Have you ever felt like that?

Like, even though you’re keeping up with all your work, home, and social tasks, you go to bed feeling empty, unfulfilled, and “out of balance?”

And you might even feel a bit guilty for not being more grateful for what you already have…

after all, there are people out there who would be grateful to have your life, right?   

Anyway, if any of this sounds familiar to you, then I really think you’re going to LOVE this gift: 

Click here to check it out right now

Felicia recorded a conversation with me as part of her no-cost series, “Primed for Possibilities: Creating an Aligned Life”…

and she asked me if I’d share this 5-part series with people like you who want to create an everyday life that gives you back the joy, purpose, and fulfillment you probably thought you’d lost years ago… 

… and who want to live in alignment with their core values and goals.

OF COURSE I wanted to share!

I mean, how often do you get the chance to hear real-world strategies and insights from 5 of the most prolific professionals in personal development today…

without having to invest a single penny?

Anyway, all you need to do is click on the link below and tell Felicia where to send your audios.

During the first week of June, she’ll send you one audio each day for 5 days…

giving you the perspective and techniques you need to stop just “going through the motions” and start actually living again!

Plus you'll also receive a powerful collection of supportive gifts from me and my co-speakers!

Click here to register for "Primed for Possibilities: Creating an Aligned Life" right now

I can’t wait to hear what you think of the conversations!

Live Juicy!

Juice -xo

P.S.: As far as I know, there won’t be any opportunities to get replays if you miss out on registration. So I’d head over now and claim your spot before the next distraction comes along.  

Can Your Environment Influence Your Mindfulness?

I had such a wonderful time chatting with Dr. Rachel Haviland and Genevieve Kohn about your environment and mindfulness on Reclaim Your Health Podcast!

We touched on how to move and shift energy within your home.  Become more intentional about the function of our homes and how to tap into all of your senses to create the environment that is most in alignment with you!

Check out the conversation at Reclaim Your Health Podcast! 

Live Juicy!


4 Ways to Ignite your Inner Fire

Happy Love Month!  This time of the year gets me excited because I know spring is just around the corner and there is always so much LOVE in the air.  February is a month about passion and connection.  Are you passionate about your life? Do you jump out of bed with excitement for what the day brings?  Or, have you lost your spark?  Perhaps it time to reconnect with yourself and bring out that fire! 

We always think of connection with others during this love month but are you connected with yourself? Chakras are energy centres in the body that represent human thoughts and behaviours.  Though there are many smaller chakras throughout the body, there are 7 main Chakras.  Each of these energies has a different color to represent each of the 7 Chakras.  Red is the color of our root Chakra located at the base of the spine, it represents foundation, stability, security, and feeling of being grounded. 

Red is the color of life force energy.  It excites are emotions and symbolizes happiness, contentment, and passion. Reddish tones create a sensation of heat and tend to visually advance towards you. As red lightens towards pink, it seems more relaxed, soft and feminine. Notice all the red and pink roses this time of the year? 

Some ways to work with your root Chakra is through breath, movement, essential oils, crystals, and color therapy.  I invite you to take a few minutes of  your day to sit in a comfortable position, keeping the spine nice and long, take in a big deep breath through the nose, hold and count to 5, then let it all out. Repeat 5 times. The movement of breathe in our bodies can do wonders on its own!

Have you ever wondered about using crystals? Bloodstone, Garnet, Ruby and Red Jasper are crystals you can use while working with your root Chakra.  

I love using essential oils!  Place 1-3 drops over your Chakra, the bottoms of the feet, or inhale throughout the day.  A diffuser works really well too.  These are some essential oils that work well with the root Chakra;

  • Arborvitae
  • Basil
  • Cedarwood
  • Cilantro
  • Myrrh
  • Patchouli
  • Vetiver
  • White Fir

A wonderful affirmation you can use when working with this Chakra is "I am a divine being of light. I am peaceful, protected, and secure."  Knowing these energy centres are directly linked to mental, physical, and spiritual attributes, we can then use tools to keep these energies or balls of light flowing freely in our bodies.  When we are connected to ourselves and live in flow we are more available to connect with others.  Human connection is one of our basic primary needs.  Ignite that fire within you and connect with another, jump out of bed, dance, sing, be present. 

Are you interested to learn more about how to work with your energy and your environment?  Let me know! Or, look for upcoming workshops.  If you are in the Camrose area I am hosting a Introduction to Meditation Workshop on March 22, next month.  Find out more here.

If you are looking for a delicious recipe that is super easy check out these Chewy Fudge Brownies

I am also excited to share I have teamed up with KeyLime Athletic Wear!  Or, as I call busy mom wear!!! The shop is now open so check it out!!! 

Live Juicy!





Are You Ready to Design Your Juiciest Year EVAH?

Here we are,  another year has come and gone and we are just into the start of 2018!  Whew...did that ever fly by!  This is a time when we tend to focus on New Years resolutions and areas we would like to create change (or at least most do....).  Has that ever really worked for you?

If you really want to kickstart the year and make this your best, you need to get really clear on what your heart desires!  

  • Do you want to create more ease and flow in your life?
  • Design your dream home?
  • Shed a few pounds?
  • Or simply just find time for you again?

It doesn't matter what the transformation you are looking for is, big or small.  What matters is you  make that choice with intention!  After having the privilege to work with some high level business coaches and successful entrepreneurs, I now choose a word of the year instead of a resolution.  

A resolution is what you want to resolve and release.  Your word of the year is how you choose to make choices everyday based on if it's aligned with your desires. Apply some pixie dust and inspired action and you are off and running! LOL

So what's my word of the year?  Reinvent!  My dear friend Cindy, publisher of Elements for a Healthier Life Magazine always says "Live life in motion".  I love that because we are constantly changing based on our environment and experiences!  So after a year of growth and learning its time to Reinvent some things! 

I encourage you to choose a W.O.T.Y. and give it a try!  It will give you more clarity and a point of focus when "life happens".  

I'm always about sharing great resources!  I am super excited  Badassery Magazine just released their January issue, you should totally check it out!!!    

I was also very honoured and surprised to be nominated as a BADASS Entrepreneur to watch in 2018!!!  Thank you and cheers to 2018!



Happy New Year!  I'd love to know what your word of the year is!  Share in the comments below!

Cheers to 2018 and your Juiciest year EVAH!

Live Juicy!

Celebrate with me! My new book Courageous Hearts is here!

“True feminine courage isn’t loud, or brash.

It doesn’t scream from the rooftops.

Instead, it wraps us in loving arms during our darkest times, and whispers,

“Be brave, for you can do this. You are meant for this, and so much more.” ~ Publisher Linda Joy

Today is a big day for me and your support would mean the world to me!

It’s launch day for “Courageous Hearts: Soul-Nourishing Stories to Inspire You to Embrace Your Fears and Follow Your Dreams, published by bestselling publishing house, Inspired Living Publishing!

I’m so excited to be a contributing author in this powerful project along with twenty-nine other women.

I share one of the most intimate, and vulnerable moments, of my life in my story, “Everything Happens For A Reason” to inspire all women to step through their fears and embrace their courageous heart.

The thirty stories in Courageous Hearts, including mine, are stories of breaking through the barriers we impose upon ourselves so that we can choose love and empowerment over fear and constriction.

They are stories of love, of loss, of healing, and of surrender.

They are stories from women who found the strength to do what their hearts were calling for, and whose lives, and dreams, blossomed as a result.

They are stories by real women, for real women, and they glow with a beauty beyond mere words.

You’ll tap into the wisdom found in five chapters including:

· The Courage to LOVE

· The Courage to LIVE

· The Courage to EVOLVE

· The Courage to HEAL

· The Courage to MOVE FORWARD

Every woman’s sacred story is followed by three Reflection Questions to guide you deeper into your own truth.

ADVANCE PRAISE for Courageous Hearts:

“…a powerful collection of inspiring life stories of truth-telling and change that we can all find ourselves inside of. Treat yourself and allow this book to be the catalyst that ignites the spark of boldness within you!” ~ Nancy Levin, bestselling author of Worthy

“Every moving story offers wisdom, inspiration, and deep support for following your own courageous heart―your own inner guidance. You will not be able to put this book down!” ~ Margaret Paul, PhD, best-selling author, facilitator and cocreator of Inner Bonding

Courageous Hearts is a collection of empowering stories eloquently shared by women on a mission to inspire us all. Their personal stories illustrate courage is really about bridging the gap of fear and uncertainty by turning inward and trusting the soft whisper of our inner guide―we all have that power. ~ Emily Madill, author and professional coach

As bestselling author of Operation Happiness Kristi Ling shares in the foreword:

“It takes tremendous courage to start over or go after a dream. The incredible women who share their stories in this book have faced their greatest fears, survived great loss and heartache, and made incredibly valiant choices in the pursuit of their dream lives. I know you’ll find each story to be a captivating and empowering read; a few of them may even remind you of something you’ve experienced in your own life.”

Thank You for all the Love and Support!

P.S Courageous Hearts is the perfect inspirational holiday gift for the women in your life. Order multiple copies today to give as sacred gifts!

P.S.S. SHARE THE LOVE! Please share the following post on Twitter and Facebook.

I ordered my copy of #CourageousHearts today! Did you? Inc. 50+ gifts. www.CourageousHeartsBook.com


Backyard Bliss

Getting outdoors and being in nature has shown to have many positive health benefits.  So why not embrace and enjoy the warmth of the season while it is here?  Extend your home from the inside and utilize your outdoor space.  Why can’t it be beautiful too?!

When creating that oasis these are some things to consider….


First deciding how you want to use your space and WHO will be using it is an important step.  Just as designing the interior of your home you need to consider the outside in the same way.  This will help you create zones and a layout just as you would a floor plan (taking into consideration any fixed or permanent structures).


YES! Vitamin SUNSHINE… but is it in the right location at the right time of day?  This can come into play when deciding the function of your space.  Perhaps - you have too much sun and need to incorporate a structure for some shade.  

Aside from natural light, consider some artificial lighting as well.  There are many great options available in both solar and electrical today and it will help with not only the practical aspect, it will enhance the beauty of your oasis.  Twinkle lights, sitting by the fire as the sun goes down with a glass of wine can be very relaxing!


Color is essential, seductive and pervasive. There is also an inescapable emotional aspect to color.  Wether you are planting flowers, a garden, trees, deciding on pillows and furniture, paint or stain colors, take into consideration what is already in place.  What color is the exterior of your home?  Is there a connection to what you have on in the interior of your home?  Now, I'm not saying your exterior needs to be identical to the interior, but creating a harmonic flow from one space to the next will have a much greater impact.  


Aromatic trees, shrubs, flowers and herbs can make stepping out into your oasis that much more special.  Take some time and put a little thought into what smells evoke that feeling of relaxation or sense of wellbeing for you.  You can also use smells to keep pesky bugs away!  Lavender can be wonderful to plant in pots on your deck to keep the mosquito’s from buzzing around.


Nature brings us many sounds on its own when enjoying the outdoors but we can expand from that.  The sound of flowing water trickling along can be soothing and calming, adding a water feature to your oasis brings relaxation and beauty.  

Do you love music?  I DO!  Outdoor speakers are a wonderful addition when dining or entertaining outdoors.  There are many available that can fit naturally into your landscape or decor - even speakers that look like stones!

Going beyond visual when designing your outdoor space and considering all your senses will enhance your oasis so you enjoy it even more and reap the benefits of the great outdoors!  Happy Designing:)


Exciting News! The Soul Inspiring Givaway for WOMEN is Open!

Woo Hoo!  It’s backkkkkkk!

I’m talking about Season 6 of the Inspired Living Giveaway: Resources for Mastering the Art of LivingTM.  

I’ve joined my good friend, Publisher Linda Joy of Aspire Magazine, the premier inspirational magazine for women, for her annual heart-centered, soul-inspired gift giveaway for women. 

The Inspired Living Giveaway is dedicated to providing high-quality transformational resources to support, empower and inspire women in living their best lives – personally and professionally.

How cool is that?

You know I am all about bringing you the best tips, tools and strategies to live your best life.

That’s why I am stopping by to invite you to claim this rich array of powerful ecourses, guided meditations, ebooks, audios, videos and supportive tools created by women and for women—including yours truly.

I’ve joined Linda and over 60 heart-centered visionary coaches, entrepreneurs, healers and health practitioners to bring YOU the resources, love and wisdom you need to master the art of living in every area of your life.

Now through May 1st you can claim over 60 high-value transformational resources including mine. You’ll discover thousands of dollars in complimentary resources from some of today’s leading experts, visionaries and new thought leaders, as well as up-and-coming movers and shakers in the fields of:

  • personal development
  • self-growth
  • self-care
  • spirituality
  • relationships
  • health & wellness
  • heart-centered business
  • Goddess resources
  • success and mindset
  • growing a thriving holistic practice

The Universe is knocking at your door with a treasure trove of supportive resources to help you:

  • support the truth of who you really are
  • support you in creating a nurturing self-care practice
  • reconnect with your divinity
  • help you get centered
  • create a success mindset
  • fuel your business success
  • open your heart to love and healing
  • tap into your creativity
  • transform your precious relationships
  • heal your wounded heart
  • write your transformational book
  • build a thriving online business
  • connect with your divinity
  • tap into natures to manifest your deepest desires
  • reclaim your authentic voice
  • and much more! 

Take inspired action now!  The doors close at midnight ET on Monday, May 1st!

Claim your transformational gifts today > http://www.inspiredlivinggiveaway.com

I invite you to open your heart and arms to receive the abundance of loving support and valuable resources offered in the Inspired Living Giveaway.

Register Now! >> http://www.inspiredlivinggiveaway.com

Live Juicy!

Natural Skin Care Solutions

What goddess doesn’t want gorgeous looking skin?  I’m guessing we all do!  Your skin is the largest organ on your body, but it also absorbs what you are putting onto it and more quickly reaches your bloodstream.  It can also be one of the first parts of the body to show toxic overload!  This is because when there is a toxic overload your body temple diverts nutrients away from the skin and supplies them to more vital organs like the heart and lungs which in time can leave your skin more dull and less vibrant.

How do we get an overload of toxins?  There are many ways!  There are many products on the market that contain paraben preservatives, phthalate plasticizers, pesticide triclosan, petroleum, formaldehyde-releasing preservatives just to name a few.  Many studies have shown that these chemicals can disrupt the hormones in your body with prolonged use.   That doesn’t sound great does it? 

That’s not to say there aren't products available that are made with much safer ingredients.  The environmental working group,  is a great resource that rates products and ingredients for safety.

Natural skin care has become something that is important to me.  Through research, trial and error I have found some great and beneficial natural ways to keep my skin glowing.  Luckily, our skin is also a way that our body’s release toxins.  How?  When we sweat!  Our skin however can get clogged and keep these toxins trapped inside, so dry brushing or exfoliating with a simple scrub can be a great way to unclog pores so the toxins can exit the body.

Dry brushing can be done prior to a shower by simply using a soft natural fiber brush.  In a circular motion you want to bush the skin on your body from the feet up.  This shouldn't hurt in any way.  You might feel a slight tingling sensation and may notice the skin look a bit white and chalky.  That’s ok!  Once you have finished dry brushing your skin simply have a shower and moisturize afterwards.

Exfoliating the skin with a simple DIY scrub using 1 cup of epson salts,  add coconut oil or mineral oil to moisten it, then add 2-3 drops of your choice of essential oils will have a similar effect.  This helps to increase blood flow and remove dead skin cells and clean your pores.   You will surely notice a difference of how soft your skin feels afterwards.  It can be a little messy so using the scrub right in the shower beforehand would be my best advice!

Both of these methods help to stimulate the lymphatic system which is where toxins get picked up and from the blood and held.  So by dry brushing or exfoliating your skin a few times per week can really help get things moving and will make your skin look vibrant!   Some studies even suggest it can help with the appearance of cellulite.  

Using a steam room, sauna and particularly an FAR infra-red sauna is an excellent way to get your body sweating in order to eliminate toxins and stimulate blood flow.  This can also help reduce stress levels,  which is great for your skin because stress can also effect our complexions.    FAR infra red saunas can also aid in weight loss because your body likes to store toxins in your fat cells to protect the body from them, so sweating is a great way to rid them out of the body.  That is always a bonus!  Of course drinking lots of water while doing so will help flush toxins out and keep you hydrated!

Juicing is something I do on a regular basis to keep my nutrient levels up in order to nourish my body temple.  Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamin C which is great for the skin.  Vitamin C is a precursor to collagen, which is a protein for the skin and helps prevent premature wrinkles.  There are also vitamin C serums that can be used, as well as essential oils mixed in with your skin cream or some coconut oil.  

When using essential oils on the skin, you want to be certain you are using certified therapeutic grade oils so that you are actually receiving the benefits.  There are many oils on the market that are used mostly for their aromatic scents and in the extraction process use chemicals, thus making the oils toxic.  Not what we want!   Frankincense helps to reduce the appearance of skin imperfections, I love adding a few drops with my moisturizer or carrier oil!  Bergamot can be purifying to the skin, grapefruit can improve appearance of blemishes, juniper berry acts as a natural skin toner, and melaleuca promotes a healthy complexion.  When using oils keep in mind they are very concentrated so you only need to add just 1-2 drops.

Vitamin E capsules are also great for the skin.  It is both a nutrient and antioxidant, helping to reduce wrinkles and leave skin looking youthful.  It can also help prevent and repair free radical damage, so applying it to any pesky brown spots will help to lighten them and promote cell regeneration.  Vitamin E is also great for dry cuticles.  Vitamin E capsules can be found in health food stores, I just clip off the top of the capsule and apply as I would a cream, it does however have a brown orange tone to it so use moderately when your applying to your face.  


If you would like to use a natural mask on your face avocados are very moisturizing.  The oil acts as an emollient and softens the skin.  All you need to do is pit an avocado, puree the fruit and spread on your face.  Let it sit 10-15 minutes and wash off just as you would any other type of mask.  It is a natural and cost effective way to hydrate the skin!

The sooner we start to look after our skin, supply the body with good nutrition and aid it in detoxification we will be looking youthful and vibrant for many years to come! 

Happy Spring Cleaning!

Yay!  Spring has finally arrived!!!  Well… sort of, for me there is still snow on the ground, however that itch to get some spring cleaning done has come!  Clearing out clutter, cleaning, and rearranging is a great way to move energy and freshen things up!  As soon as the weather warms up it's nice to get outdoors and enjoy, so it's a great time to get started.  

Although this can be a daunting task, taking one weekend to clear your schedule and GET IT DONE is the quickest way to knock that off your to do list!  Planning ahead and choosing a time and NOT committing to anything else will ensure you are able to accomplish the task.

Having three kids definitely contributes to extra things piling up.  I like to involve them in the process and when you can get everyone to pitch in it takes the load off yourself and makes “to stay or to go” decisions easier.  It's likely they have outgrown clothing so it's a great time with the seasons changing to clear out those extra’s that wont fit next fall/winter.  

Some suggestions to make the project more efficient:

  • Make a plan and determine what you want to get done.  Laying out your goals for the project will make it easier to assign tasks and to whom.  
  • Find out where your recyclable centres are located and hours of operation.
  • If you plan to donate any items select which organization you wish to donate to, their location and hours of operation.  Some organizations will come and pick up your items if you make those arrangements ahead of time.
  • Have your supplies on hand.  
  • Start from the top down so you don't have to clean things twice. e.g. ceiling fans, door mouldings, light fixtures, bathroom vents.  These tend collect dust over time so no sense in vacuuming the floors first and then dust your ceiling fans after.  
  • Meal plan and prepare ahead of time.

I like to use non toxic cleaners in my home for the safety of my kids and reducing the toxic load of what we put into our environment.  Commercial cleaners are composed primarily of water, chemicals and fragrances.  Some of these can aggravate allergies, cause skin sensitivity and pose poisoning risks to children (and pets).   A fantastic resource for determining the safety of products in your home is Environmental Working Group,  they rate the safety of just about every over the counter brand and product.  

Natural cleaners are inexpensive and quite simple to make with ingredients you probably already have in your home.  You will find many of them use the same base ingredients.  You can purchase spray bottles from your local hardware store, wash and reuse. 

A simple all purpose cleaner can be made with 2 cups of water, 1/2 cup of white vinegar, the juice of one lemon and 10 drops of peppermint essential oil.  Lemon and vinegar have germ killing properties so it's great for sinks, tables, and appliances. (Note - Don’t use vinegar on granite or marble.)  Since this recipe has fresh lemon in it you will want to use within a few days of making it, or store in the refrigerator for up to one week.  

In general, homemade cleaners shouldn't be made in large quantities because the don’t have stabilizers or artificial ingredients to extend the shelf life.  It's always a good idea test cleaners in an inconspicuous spot to ensure it's good to use on the surface you wish.  You can also play around with different essential oils to enjoy the scents you love.

Once your home has been decluttered, refreshed, and cleaned you will be able to enjoy your time outside in the warm weather tha'ts just around the corner.  Happy spring cleaning!


Choosing A Juicer

If you are interested in juicing you might be wondering with all the different types of juicers on the market which type is the best?  My answer to that would be the one you will actually use!

There are two basic types of machines that extract juice.  Masticating juicers and Centrifugal juicers.  Masticating juicers are more expensive and start around $250 with the higher end models ranging about $500 - $600.  On the flip side, you can get a good quality centrifugal juicer for around $100 - $150.

Masticating juicers squeeze fruits and vegetables through gears, crush them up and force them through a fine stainless steel strainer separating the pulp and the juice.  This type generally extracts more juice the first time around leaving the pulp very dry.  You tend to get more nutrients from the juice with this type because it generates less heat and friction than centrifugal juicers, therefore more enzymes are preserved.  It is also great with leafy greens and things like wheat grass.  There is a bit more preparation because the chute is smaller and you will need to chop up your produce.  They are also quiet, so if you are up early before everyone it is a nice feature. 

Centrifugal juicers use a spinning basket that shreds the fruit and vegetables and forces the fruit through a fine stainless steel strainer.  Due to the fast spinning action they produce a little heat which can cause slight oxidation of the nutrients and may destroy some of the enzymes, leaving you with a less nutritious juice.  However for the most part you are still getting loads of benefits from the juice.  They are noisier but the chutes are much larger so there is less time in prepping your produce for juicing.  They also separate the pulp from the juice like masticating juicers.  Depending on the brand and quality of your juicer you might want to run the pulp through a second time to get all the yummy juice out.

I myself started with a Centrifugal juicer and then eventually upgraded to the masticating type.  I use an Omega and have been very happy with it, juicing is a part of my daily life so I was ready to make the larger investment.  

Juicing has so many benefits that no matter which juicer is right for you, getting started and using it is the best thing you can do!  

Live Juicy!


Family Living

The living room is that wonderful place that families spend time together.  Creating a space that is warm and inviting versus fancy and off limits can still be beautiful and designed for everyone to use.

Reflecting on your lifestyle and how you want to use that space is a great starting point to designing a room that can be enjoyed everyday.  Regardless if it’s a new build or you are wanting to freshen up and revamp what you already have, the function of the room will help in creating the overall design.

These are some things to consider…

  • Will there be a television?  
  • Fireplace -  either fixed or placed?
  • Specifically how much seating are you looking for?  Daily family use and social gatherings?
  • What type of storage do you require?  
  • Is what you are storing aesthetically pleasing or do the items need to be tucked away?
  • Where are your outlets and switches located?  
  • What is the lighting situation?  Is it sufficient?  Do you require more? 
  • Is the space directly connected to other rooms or is there division?  

Once you are able to make some decisions spend some time in your living room and pay attention to the lighting and how it changes throughout the day.  If you are choosing to repaint you will want to buy or make large paint samples and place them on the walls to see how the light reflects at different times of day.  Determine if that is the mood you are wanting to create with your selections. 

Next think of the larger items that you want to include within the space as a base to begin the layout.  Keep in mind how the traffic will flow, you want to make sure you have sufficient room to comfortably walk around furniture, coffee tables, and such. 

If your living room is larger, creating multiple seating spaces for different activities is a good way maximize the use of the space and gives you a different experience depending on where you sit.  Think tall when you are working with small.  Emphasizing the vertical proportions of the room will trick the eye and make the room look bigger than it is.

Only bring items that are necessary into the room to avoid clutter.  Be creative with storage solutions.  Personalizing your living room with family photos or older pieces helps create a story within the space.  Some rooms are gifted with character and others it is something you will have to create.  Don’t be afraid to add some glam!  Just because it is for a family to use doesn’t mean it can’t feel elegant.  Although there is structure to designing a room you can break rules and have some fun! 

Creating a living room that is aligned with your lifestyle and surrounded by your favourite things and the people that you love is surely something to be enjoyed for years to come! 





Bringing The Outdoors In

Interior Design is the art and craft of creating beautiful and functional environments.  It’s about finding harmony in a space, this comes from the fusion of all senses, smell, touch, hearing, and sight.

During the winter months many of us crave the fresh sights of warm weather, green leaves budding on trees, flowers blossoming and the scents that come along with it.  Bringing the outdoors in, (so to speak) is a great way to help us get through those last few colder months.  

Plants have scent characteristics that can invoke specific emotions and have wellness properties.  Walking into a home with some fresh cut flowers on the table not only brings in something beautiful to look at but also the aroma of the wonderful fragrance that the flowers give off.

Growing herbs in pots in your kitchen is a great way to bring some life into your space and can become part of your decor as well, many herbs have mood evoking properties.  The fusion of sight and smell into your home can make it feel more alive and it’s an easy way to play with color and change the look without a big decision or investment.  Have some fun with it!

Diffusing scents throughout your home is another great way for it to smell heavenly!  Think of the type of mood or feeling you are wanting in that particular space, then choose something appropriate to evoke that experience.  

  • In the kitchen you may want to choose something fresh and energizing.  
  • In the bedroom and bathroom a scent that is soothing and relaxing.  
  • In your home office space a scent that is invigorating and enhances a sense of focus.
  • Perhaps in a child’s play area something grounding and calming.

You can also use this concept when cleaning so your home smells fresh and cleansed.  Making home made cleaners with Essential Oils is easy and a great way to leave your house smelling amazing instead like a chemical cleaner.  

Of course there are always spice scents that can be used as well, there’s nothing like the smell of an apple pie baking in the oven, making your house feel warm and inviting.

So the next time you are out at the market don’t hesitate to pick up some beautiful flowers or some fresh herbs!  It is a great way to bring spring into your home while we wait for it to arrive.  Live Juicy!

Let Your Home Be Your Sanctuary

I’d be the first to jump and tell you I love adventure, to travel, and experience anything new.  However, that excitement might only last a few days, or a week or two.  Maybe you can get away several times a year, and that’s wonderful, but having one place that you look forward to being each and everyday is something that shouldn't be overlooked. 

Since becoming a mom with a designer deep in my bones, creating a space that is beautifully tranquil has always been a pleasure.  Although that’s nice in itself, without all the laughter, joy, the good and the not so good, what exactly does it all mean?  My children are my world and their lives, chatter, and laughter are what really makes a house a home.  Even if it were to be the ugliest one on the block before you get your hands on it!  LOL!

Since I love design, the trick is creating a space and making it work with all the chaos good or bad.  I believe making your home your sanctuary will give you and your family a space to enjoy each and everyday.  Not just occasionally throughout the year!  

Now at first maybe it just starts with a single space or room.  Maybe it’s a bedroom with the coziest sheets and fluffiest blanket that you can nestle into and read a book for a few moments before bed.

Maybe you focus on a spa like bathroom that you can retreat to once a day to take a moment out for yourself to relax with some lavender and epsom salts and reflect at the end of each day.  

Is it possibly that home theatre family room where you can gather and snuggle watching movies on occasion that bring you joy, laughter and heartfelt memories?

Or, maybe it’s creating that outdoor space with a playhouse, garden, place to dine outdoors or warm fire to sit by gazing at the stars.  I love my big comfy swing out back under the trees where I can enjoy a cup of tea and watch the kids play in the sunshine!

Perhaps it’s your eat in or dining space where you gather for meals, enjoy being together and talk about the highlights of your day. 

Wherever creating your sanctuary begins, over time your home can truly become that in form.  Create an atmosphere that is beautiful and practical where your family can spend time and be together.  It is completely amazing when you can design your home as a sanctuary, and you don’t need to travel far to find that place of bliss!

If you are just starting out, I encourage you to think of the one place you would like to transform into that sacred space.  How can you personalize it, make it practical and functional all the while absolutely stunning and a place to retreat?  Over time it can all come together.  No matter where your travels and ventures might take you, at the end of the day, there really is no place like home.


The Benefits of Meal Planning

This is one of those tasks that can be easily overlooked, but by simply taking 15-20 minutes a week to plan out your meals can be a huge time saver in itself.  When you plan your meals ahead of time, it’s easier to make your shopping lists and meal preparations because you already have it laid out!  This way you are also less likely to cave and just grab some take-out!  

If you are creative like myself, you can make it fun and write it out!  Use different coloured pens or markers for each day of the week.  Take a snap shot of it with your phone so you have it on hand if you are heading out to the market.  I like to use a local organic food service for my groceries because I find it saves me time and is more efficient.

It’s a good practice to have your menu in sight so you stay on track and be mindful of what preparation needs to be done ahead of time.  I like to include my kids and ask what they would like see on the menu as well, it gets them involved and creates an awareness of the foods they are putting into their bodies.  So if you schedule a day to eat out you all have something to look forward to, but know they have had good nourishment the rest of the time and teaches them about that balance.  

Meal planning isn’t about having everything done perfect or creating strict timelines.  It’s simply using your time as efficiently as possible so us busy moms can focus on the things that matter the most!  

Cooking with Essential Oils

I LOVE cooking with herbs and spices, it makes the difference between good tasting and great tasting dishes.  Herbs and spices also carry a huge list of health benefits as well.  For example, parsley and cilantro are great for removing heavy metals from the body aiding it in detoxification.   Cooking with Essential Oils can be a healthy alternative in flavouring foods and beverages.  They are quite cost effective and depending on where you live and your growing season fresh herbs aren't always available.  

Essential oils are so potent you only need a tiny amount compared to dried herbs and spices.  The oils are extremely concentrated, 50-70 times more therapeutically potent than the plants or herbs they are derived from.  Dry herbs lose 90% of their healing nutrients and oxygen molecules by the time they reach your plate, essential oils do not.  What this means is you are getting a huge benefit for a minimal cost and the flavour is amazing.  For example, just 2 drops of an Essential Oil is equivalent to a full 2oz bottle of dried herbs.    

You want to be sure you are only using high quality therapeutic grade Essential Oils and diluting the Essential Oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, this helps disperse it more evenly.  When cooking at higher temperatures it’s best to add the oil near the end of the cooking process so it doesn’t evaporate.

Did you know that Essential Oils have a chemical structure that is similar to human cells and tissues?  This makes essential oils compatible with human protein and enables them to be readily identified and accepted by the body.

If you are just starting out using Essential Oils in your cuisine, simply replace the herb or spice with the comparable oil.  Start with just a small amount, one drop and go from there.  Once you give it a try you'll soon be experiencing the delicious flavour and health benefits these natural plant extracts offer.  As a busy mom who likes to make delicious and healthy foods, Essential Oils make it simple, quick, and I love the benefits it offers for my family.

The Kitchen is the Heart of the Home

The kitchen is the one room of the house that is used several times on a daily basis.  It is where you provide nourishment for your family, bake with your children, catch up for the day, and gather for family holidays and visits.  Food really does bring people together.

The kitchen holds an opportunity for us to get creative with ourselves and involve our children, all while teaching them what real food is, how it can nourish our body temples and which foods that don't.  

When we get busy, it sometimes seems much simpler to just order in some take out, (and yes we ALL do that on occasion).  However, on a constant basis creating a healthy relationship with food that involves some fun, experimentation, music and laughter can be a wonderful habit to create and enjoy!

Whether you are building a home, renovating an existing one, just moving in, or want to re-organize your kitchen, think about how you will use that space.  Your sink location and major appliances will help dictate what you want to store, and where.   Even if it takes some trial and error of using the space and rearranging - Thats ok!  

These are some simple strategies you can use to maximize your space so cooking can be done with less effort and ease.

First things first!  Declutter your kitchen!  It's the first step to organizing any room, and allows for a positive flow of energy.  If you are moving, do a purge beforehand so you aren't bringing any unnecessary things into your space.

Next, group like items together!  Cooking and baking items should be kept close together and near where you do your food preparation.  Cooking utensils should be close and near to your food prep area as well, along with oven mitts and such.

Glasses kept next to the refrigerator or sink/dishwasher so its quickly accessible.  Bowls and plates near your dishwasher so its easy when putting away, be mindful of where you tend to dish up your meals.

Keeping your pantry items in one location, using glass containers or mason jars to store your grains will make it simple to layout and see what you have.  

Find a space for larger appliances that's easily accessible to pull out and put away, keep harder to reach areas for things that you may use occasionally throughout the year.  

Clean out your refrigerator regularly!  When my food delivery comes once a week I like to wipe things down and organize any unused food keeping it aside from the new delivery so nothing goes to waste!  Again, any storage should be done in clear glass containers so it's easy to see what you have and prevents any plastics from leaching into your foods. 

When things are laid out and easy to see and use, you can focus your time on creation, cooking, and spending that quality time together that is cherished the most!  Creating these systems and teaching them to our children at a young age will only help to sustain long term healthy habits and form a foundation for them once they grow and leave the family nest.  

What are your favourite moments spent in the kitchen?